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The current investment in the flour mill is an excellent time

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

Because of this global epidemic and locust plague, the current world has become full of uncertainty. However, we found that there are three points that can be determined at the moment.

1-This epidemic cannot be controlled within a short period of time. Even if the vaccine is successfully developed, it will be after 2021.

2- Central banks around the world are printing unprecedented amounts of banknotes to save the economy, and a global depreciation of currencies is impossible to avoid.

3- Due to this locust disaster, in countries such as Africa where the government does not have much food reserves, a food security crisis will certainly occur.

In summary, if we can look at the present with a future perspective, the current investment in the flour mill is an excellent time, because the current form can be seen more clearly from a historical perspective. Since the First World War in 1913, each crisis has been a good time for the rapid development of the grain industry.


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